What is psychodynamic therapy?

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Psychodynamic therapy is a type of approach in therapy. There’s a lot of different approaches created by many different folks. I specifically think having a foundation of psychodyanmic therapy is crucial to know how to best move forward.

If you are more aware of how your childhood needs were unmet such as emotional support, positive reinforcement, and even just learning how to have conversations without feeling judgement, you can begin to create new ways to move forward.

Psychodynamic therapy heavily favors learning more into what core beliefs or ideas you’ve carried during your childhood and into adult life. It means taking a bird’s eye view of how your parents treated you or even how they didn’t show up for you. It means acknowledging that certain people have hurt you and therefore you have created core beliefs about yourself that perpetuate beliefs which ultimately triggers your anxiety from crowds, depression because of low self-esteem, or even avoiding spaces due to traumatic experiences.

Having a safe space and therapist to unpack these experience, to not feel crazy or wrong about them, and learn to grow and hold space is exactly what therapy is. It’s an opportunity to not run away but to confront and feel safe to confront.


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What is therapy?